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Approche de la capacité trophique dans le bassin ostréicole (Baie de Bourgneuf) ArchiMer
Haure, Joel; Baud, Jean-pierre.
A hydrobiological study coupled with the evolution of the production of cupped oysters Crassostrea gigas has been carried out from March 1990 to March 1991 on two oyster culture areas (North and South) of the Bay of Bourgneuf. - The northern area is characterized by an environment which is variable though time and composed of a high nutritive and mineral load. This high particular load (average value = 154 mg.l- 1) is linked to meteorological conditions and especially to the wind speed and direction. The individual growth of cultivated oysters is low (i.e.: 58.8 g). - The southern area shows homogenous hydrobiological characteristics throughout the year. The average phytoplanktonic biomass is 4.4 µg.l-l of chlorophyll and the particular load is low...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrobiology; Trophic capacity; Crassostrea gigas; Bay of Bourgneuf; Hydrobiologie; Capacité trophique; Crassostrea gigas; Baie de Bourgneuf.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Approche des relations entre a croissance de l'huître Crassostrea gigas et le milieu dans le bassin d'Arcachon ArchiMer
Maurer, Daniele.
study of the experimental growth of the oyster Crassostrea gigas was undertaken of 1985 to 1988, parallel to a follow-up hydrobiologic of the medium, in three sites of the basin of Arcachon. - The characteristics of growth of the studied sites proved very stable during various years ; they are also very different from one site to another, the performances being able to vary the simple one with the double of the center of the basin towards the exit on the ocean. It is during the summer and of the autumn that the difference is established between the sectors, the spring growths being similar. The hierarchy observed is associated a more or less great precocity of the laying. - A gradient influences continental oceanic-influence is observed, resulting in more...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ostreiculture; Oyster; Hydrobiology; Growth; Bay of Arcachon; Crassostrea gigas; Ostréiculture; Huître; Hydrobiologie; Croissance; Baie d'Arcachon; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Caractérisation hivernale de la lagune de Bizerte OceanDocs
Bejaoui, B.; Ben Charada, R.; Moussa, M.; Ben Hamadou, R.; Harzallah, A.; Chapelle, A..
Ce travail porte sur la caractérisation hivernale de la lagune de Bizerte en se basant sur une campagne de mesures effectuée en janvier 2004. Cette campagne a porté sur 17 stations réparties sur toute la lagune ainsi qu’une station marine de référence. Chaque échantillon a fait l’objet de mesures in-situ (Température, Salinité, Conductivité, Transparence, Acidité et Oxygène dissous) et des analyses au laboratoire (NO3, NO2, NT, PO4, Chlorophylle-a, Phéopigment et MES). Cette étude a montré que la distribution spatiale des paramètres est fortement liée aux apports fluviaux. Contrairement au phosphore minéral, la teneur en azote total montre une variation spatiale importante. L’analyse de la distribution spatiale des nutriments d’une part et de la...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution; Hydrobiology; Nitrogen; Nutrients (mineral); Phosphorus; Phytoplankton; Geographical distribution; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Phytoplankton; Hydrobiology; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Caracteristiques saisonnieres de l'hydrobiologie du complexe estuariende Marennes-Oleron (France). ArchiMer
Heral, Maurice; Razet, Daniel; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Berthome, Jean-paul; Garnier, J..
Four seasonal compaigns providing a sampling of 15 stations each followed during half a tide cycle, i.e. 120 water samples permit the definition of the main hydrobiological features of Marennes-Oleron Bay: salinity and turbidity, phytoplanktonic biomasses, ATP concentrations. The authors suggest that a new way of adapted sampling to their objectives, will work out in the future by sampling during tidal cycles but as frequently as possible.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonal variations; Salinity; ATP; Estuaries; Turbidity; Hydrobiology; Salinity; Phytoplankton; Estuaries; Biomass; Hydrobiology; Physicochemical properties; Phytoplankton; Environmental conditions; Biomass.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Distribución estacional y ecología de las medusas (Cnidarias: Hydrozoa) en la zona costera sur de la Bahía de Santa Elena durante el período (Octubre 2004-octubre 2005) OceanDocs
Andrade Ruíz, C.E..
La presente investigación se desarrolló en el sector sur de la Bahía de Santa Elena durante octubre 2004 a octubre 2005, analizándose un total de 144 muestras zooplanctónicas e identificándose 24 especies, clasificados en 6 órdenes: 5 de la clase Hydrozoa, con 16 familias; 22 géneros y 22 especies, y 2 clases: La clase Scyphozoa y Cubozoa con 1 especie respectivamente. Se consideró las dos épocas estacionales (lluviosa y seca) registrándose para la época lluviosa el 41% de biomasa total con 6477 ind. (100m3-1), mientras que en la época seca se registró el 59% de biomasa total con 9159 ind. ((100m3-1). El análisis estadístico determinó cambios entre la estación lluviosa con una correlación positiva promedio vs la temperatura con valores de 0.75. Mientras en...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Seasonal distribution; Biomass; Dry season; Rainy season; Species diversity; Zooplankton; Hydrobiology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Etude et modélisation de la dynamique des populations de bivalves en élevage (Crassostrea gigas et Mytilus galloprovincialis) dans le bassin de Thau (Méditerranée, France) et des ascidies solitaires associées ArchiMer
Gangnery, Aline.
The total standing stock of bivalves cultured in Thau Lagoon (France) that is mainly constituted of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, and the Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, vary between 14,000 and 20,000 tons within a year. These variations were attributed to the rearing cycle of molluscs in the lagoon but also to their growth performances. Oysters cultured in the Thau Lagoon presented the best growth rate ever reported whereas trophic conditions are low : mean concentrations in organic particulate matter and total chlorophyll a averaged 1 mg.l-1 and 1.2 µg.l-1, respectively. The development of a growth model shows that temporal pattern (i.e. seasonality) of bivalve growth is explained by water temperature and spatial pattern is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lagoon ecosystem; Resource management; Rearing strategies; Production; Standing stock; Hydrobiology; Growth; Shellfish culture; Ascidiella aspersa; Mussel; Oyster; Ecosystème lagunaire; Gestion des ressources; Stratégies d'élevage; Production; Stock; Hydrobiologie; Croissance; Conchyliculture; Ascidiella aspersa; Moule; Huître.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Etude et modélisation des mécanismes impliqués dans la croissance de l'huître perlière, Pinctada margaritifera, au sein de l'écosystème conchylicole du lagon de l'atoll de Takapoto (Polynésie Française) ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane.
L'huître perlière, Pinctada margaritifera (Linné, 1758) var. cumingi (Reeve), productrice de perles noires, fait l' objet d'une aquaculture florissante en Polynésie Française. Afin de pérenniser cette activité, un programme de recherche (le PGRN) a été lancé, en 1990, sur l' atoll de Takapoto. L' un des thèmes de ce programme réside dans l'étude de la capacité trophique d'un lagon soumis à une activité de perliculture. A cet égard, un modèle déterministe expliquant la croissance et la reproduction de P. margaritifera à partir des paramètres du milieu (notamment la nourriture disponible) a été mis au point. La construction de ce modèle a impliqué : ( 1) l'analyse de l'hydrobiologie du lagon; (2) l'étude de la physiologie de P. margaritifera; (3) le sui vi...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalves; Huîtres perlières; Pinctada margaritifera; Physiologie; Croissance; Reproduction; Hydrobiologie; Atoll; Lagon; Écosystème; Réseau trophique; Modélisation; Capacité trophique; Polynésie française; Bivalves; Pearl oyster; Pinctada ma rgaritifera; Physiology; Growth; Reproduction; Hydrobiology; Atoll; Lagoon; Ecosystem; Trophic web; Modelling; Carrying capacity; French Polynesia.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Etude sédimentaire de la baie de Quiberon : la zone ostréicole en eau profonde et ses abords ArchiMer
Lemoine, Gérard.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrobiology; Hydrodynamic; Sedimentology; Oyster culture zone.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Fytohydrobiologisch onderzoek van oppervlaktewaters in Vlaanderen: 5. De afgesneden Scheldemeanders: het Zonneputje, de Spanjaard, de Van-Looy-put, de Bruwee (bij Gent) OMA
De Maeseneer, M.; Gogaert, C.; Coppejans, E..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hydrobiology; Surface water; Belgium.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Les caractéristiques comparatives des conditions thermiques de l'eau dans la baie du lévrier en 1981 OceanDocs
Bernikov, R G..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Water temperature; Hydrobiology; Coastal upwelling.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Observations hydrologiques réalisées en 1981 OceanDocs
Bernikov, R. G.; Ansquer, H..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Hydrology; Bathymetric observations; Hydrobiology; Hydrology.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Relations entre les eaux interstitielles des fonds sedimentaires ostreicoles et le milieu hydrobiologique. Le Bassin des Chasses des Sables d'Olonne ArchiMer
Feuillet, Michèle.
Extensive data have been obtained on oyster-bearing sediments and interstitial and overlying waters in the Bassin des Chasses, les Sables d'Olonne, which will enable a scale of suitability of waters for oyster-culture to be compiled. The studies concerned: I. Hydrology, including fresh water inflow: II. Salinity; alkaline reserve; Na, K, Ca and Mg levels: III. Circulation and distribution of nitrogenous substances: IV. The N sub(2) cycle: V.P. Nitrogenous and phosphorus nutrients are regenerated continuously in the sediments and replenish the free water.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bisacy bay; Organic matter; Nitrogen concentration; Phosphorus; Marine sediment; Hydrobiology; Oyster culture zone.
Ano: 1971 URL:
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Surveillance Ecologique du site du "Blayais" - année 2004 ArchiMer
Quintin, Jean-yves; Castaing, Patrick; Jouanneau, Jean-marie; Oggian, Georges; Leconte, Michel; Parra, René; Sautour, Benoît; Bachelet, Guy; Chaurial, Bernard; Gournier, Nathalie.
Monotoring n° 27 of the BLAYAIS nuclear power plant takes into account studies conducted between March and November 2004. Physicochemistry, Hydrobiology, Bacteriology, Zooplankton, Benthic macrofauna, Bathymetry, are reported.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bathymetry; Benthic macrofauna; Zooplankton; Bacteriology; Hydrobiology; Physicochemistry; Pelagos; Monitoring; Gironde estuary; Nuclear power plant; Bathymétrie; Macrofaune benthique; Zooplancton; Microbiologie; Hydrologie; Physico chimie; Pelagos; Surveillance; Estuaire de la Gironde; Centrale nucléaire.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Биомы в гидросфере IBSS Repository
Протасов, А. А..
Рассмотрена концепция биома применительно к гидросфере, что позволило обосновать выделение биома как структурного элемента биосферы в целом. Гидробиом рассматривается как биосферологическая, эколого-биогеографическая и гидробиологическая категории.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Биом; Гидросфера; Биосфера Земли; Гидробиология; Биогеография гидросферы; Biome; Hydrosphere; Biosphere of the Earth; Hydrobiology; Biogeography of hydrosphere Biogeography Hydrosphere Hydrobiology Earth Earth Biogeography Hydrobiology
Ano: 2006 URL:
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К столетию гидробиологии IBSS Repository
Заика, В. Е..
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Hydrobiology; Гидробиология Hydrobiology Hydrobiology
Ano: 2003 URL:
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О концепции экологической группировки гидробионтов. IBSS Repository
Протасов, А. А..
Рассмотрены основные положения концепции экологической группировки гидробионтов. Предложена их уточнённая классификация. Обсуждается вопрос о взаимосвязи группировок, облигатных и случайных или временных представителях группировок, на основе адаптационного градиента. Рассмотрены вопросы эволюции экологических группировок.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Экологические группировки гидробионтов; Бентос; Планктон; Перифитон; Нейстон; Гидробиология; Биом; Гидросфера; Ecological groups of hydrobionts; Benthos; Plankton; Periphyton; Neuston; Hydrobiology; Biome; Hydrosphere; Экологічні групировки гідробіонтів; Перифітон; Гідробіологія; Біом; Гідросфера..
Ano: 2008 URL:
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